Recipe: Raw Carrot Salad
this is based from a Moroccan recipe I found at epicurious.com
I served it with Morroccan chicken and couscous with Grammie's recipe for date cake for dessert. But, I think it would also be an interesting thing to bring to pot luck
1# carrots, peelled and coarsely grated
1/4 c extra virgin olive oil
juice of one lemon
1/4 cu chopped fresh cilantro
3 cloves garlic, minced or put through press
1/2 t ground cumin
1/4 t cinnamon
1 t paprika
dash of salt
In a large bowl, mix together all the ingredients. Cover and let marinate 2hours - 2 days in fridge. I served it at room temp, but it could be served cold as well. Enjoy! (serves 4)